
The High Line groundbreaking

I love it when people are able to accomplish something that "everyone" -- at least most people close to where I am sitting -- said was "impossible" and had dismissed. The Friends of the High Line are hosting a groundbreaking celebration on April 10, noon - 1:30 PM.

Though The Friends of the High Line started with some allies in high places, were able to build a network of influential support quickly, and could have tried to forge ahead with the project by mainly playing with the power brokers, they made a very concerted effort to remain true to principles of community-based planning - do community outreach, engage a broad base of professionals that they thought could help, hold community meetings, host educational programs, and essentially listen and consider what people were telling them.

Hurray! I'm very happy for them - the day is finally here, April 10! (I would go but our Board meeting is that day -- boo).