
This is for the urbanists

Me too, me too!

There's something very eery about New Urbanism (e.g., Truman Show?). I'm not offended by Jim Kunstler, in fact, I like that he's not afraid of being crude, but I think there definitely something to the the idea of Jane Jacobs getting usurped by all types, as proposed by this blogger in Greensboro, AL.

Listening to what someone is really saying is a dying art. Nearly everyone, from ego-architects to New Urbanists, say that their vision comes from Jane Jacobs and those who repudiate her also seem to misunderstand what she's saying.


Hana Loftus said...

Hey, thanks for the link...and nice blog! I think you're right, in the broader sense, that people are getting worse at truly listening - the skill of (mis)interpretation becoming more important than the skill of understanding and then arguing accurately.

Shin-pei said...

Yes, I totally agree. This can cause real problems in making decisions about the built environment too, since successful urban planning is being able to learn and then apply to specific contexts. Both require excellent listening skills to do well.