
New Urbanists plan for Hurricane Katrina

There will be an enormous charrette spearheaded by New Urbanist giants Andres Duany and John Norquist to re-build New Orleans and Louisiana on October 11-18.

With backing from Mississippi officials, the visiting experts--architects, urban planners, sociologists and engineers operating under the banner of the Chicago-based Congress for the New Urbanism--will look at redesigning everything from trailer homes to fast-food restaurants to casinos.
The designers will work practically for close to free, or for free.

Despite my misgivings about New Urbanism, particularly the white picket fences output, I think their design-driven process with all of its guidelines allows them to conceptualize and plan for new towns more easily than other anti-sprawl philosophies. True?


Anonymous said...

Boy. That photo looks pretty standard suburban to me. Maybe slightly above average, but not much. :)

Shin-pei said...

Hey, this is what you get if you type in "picket fences" in Google images. It was the most graphic picket fences image among the pickings.