
Ask the right question

From CNU Florida's image bank

The Times on public reception of New Urbanist ideals.

Definitely a superficial analysis of what people want. Ask people if they want safe streets, a sense of community, good use of natural resources, to be within walking distance of open space or park land with lots of amenities and see if they might answer the New Urbanism or Not question differently. Ask someone if they would mind being next to the bank and you'll probably get a really different response. (I'm not even that big of a proponent of New Urbanism, which I think focuses too much on design elements like white picket fences, but many of the principles are worth paying attention to. Just look at that image above; too sterile for my taste, but so very nice to photograph).

Looking at comparisons of new home purchases (new urbanist development vs. typical sprawl) is also too superficial. How are developers marketing these homes?