
Yikes! Quality growth??!

I've been looking around for good campaigns that inform the ordinary person about the pros and cons of sprawl, and how they relate to transportation and land use. While doing that, I found a whole bunch of "quality growth" campaigns and think tanks, organizations and people who are against coordinated planning, traditional smart growth and instead favor more streets, the right to build anywhere, and the demand on government to support this lifestyle.

Yikes! Just look at this education toolkit that lays out each point, and debunks "myths" of smart growth.

Quality growth has also been a way that some smart growth proponents attempt to cast away the negative connotations of "smart growth" (i.e., if you don't do this, you must be dumb), but their opponents have appropriated the language for a completely different agenda.

I should have known better. These misleading organizations and individuals confuse the topic so much that not even the most stellar counter campaign, such as the EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality and FHWA DOT's campaign, "It all adds up to cleaner air," will be able to debunk the debunking.